The Latino Democrats of Prince George's County (LDPGC)
Representing Prince George's County's Latino Democrats​
We give a voice, organize, educate, and empower Latinos in Prince George's County
so that they may better engage in our political process.
About Latino Democrats of
Prince George's County
The Latino Democrats of Prince George's County (LDCPGC) started as a vision in 2016. Since then, the LDPGC has grown into a vibrant community organization dedicated to advocating for the needs and concerns of the Latino population in Prince George's County, Maryland. As of the 2020 Census, the Hispanic population in Prince George's County has risen to 20.9% of the county's total population. Through events, engagement, and dialogue, the LDPGC aims to amplify the voices of Latinos, foster understanding, and contribute to the political growth and development of the community.
The founding executive board for the LDPGC was elected in August 2022, and their inaugural event was had on December 13, 2022. The group meets most months, with the exception of July and August, for general meetings and networking events.
All are welcome.